The period to submit your abstract is still open!

The abstract

The abstract should be a concise summary of the work to be presented, explicitly stating the methods used, the main results obtained and the conclusions reached. It should not contain tables or figures.

The actual text should not exceed 500 words.

Abstract Format

Paper size: A4
Margins: 2.5 cm all around
Font: Times New Roman
Title: 12 points, bold
Authors: 11 points, italics
Text: 12 points, normal
Justification: left
Spacing: single

Abstract Layout

Layout of Abstract for COST 634 Final Conference

Coelho, C.O.A.¹*, Auzet, A-,V.², Helming, K. ³
¹ University of Aveiro, Department of Environment & Planning, Campus Universitório Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal.,
² IMFS UMR 7507 CNRS-ULP, 2 rue Boussingault, F-67000 Strasbourg, France
³ Centre for Agricultural Landscape and Landuse Research, Eberswalder Str. 84, 15374 Müncheberg, Germany

Type the title of the contribution, leave one blank line after the title block.
Type surname and then initials of each author.
Type the author's addresses starting a new line.
Start a new line for each author with a different affiliation.
Indicate the name of the presenter by an asterix and include her/his e-mail.
Leave one blank line after the authors' block and type the text of the abstract.
Do not leave blank lines for new paragraphs.

Please send your abstract to (or for more information contact):
Celeste Coelho
Fax: +351 234 370349
Tel: +351 234 370200

University of Aveiro Department of Environment & Planning
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal